Stahlbau Nord delivers further sections for a fuel tanker

There is great news about our fuel tanker project for the German Navy! Last week we successfully delivered two more sections.

Block 8 and 12 - 625 tons
Blocks 9 and 13 - 375 tons

These massive components were manufactured in just 3 ½ months by a team of around 70 employees working in two shifts. Now they are on their way to the Neptun shipyard, where they will become part of the 173-meter-long fuel tanker.

With every block delivered, we get closer to our goal - and couldn't be prouder of the great team effort!

Precision, collaboration, passion:
This milestone shows what is possible when expertise and team spirit come together. We look forward to seeing the finished ship soon, which will support the German Navy in the future.

Photos: Scheer